
Hazel is 19 yrs old, Asian-American, 5' 8" and a bona fide college
student. As with many new girls to this business, she won't be a porn
star - she'll be here just long enough to collect a little college
tuition and head onward. Gotta shoot em' while they're hot.

She has freckles and is fantastically cute . She looks very young and
inexperienced but was willing to do the fairly large toy.
It's actually really fun to shoot models like Hazel because she REALLY
DOES look like the girl-next-door or the typical college student....and
you would never think that SHE would actually take her clothes off in
front of a camera. It's nice to see that pristine, fresh young bod
slowly unveiled he he....(excuse me, I must go play with my Willie).

Ok, so yeah I still enjoy my job.

- Matt :)

  • None at the moment