Updated Bio 2016:
Just super petite and packed full of curves. Awesome tits. Another model whom I don’t think members were as excited about as her as I was.
Ashton was the only girl I ever shot who was from my as me so town we had some connection. We hung out socially a little bit but never had any sex or romance although I think she had a little interest in me? I believe she finally got annoyed with that I wasn’t taking the hints. Funny.
I remember on one of our shoots she arrived saying she wanted to do something different – something fun. I asked her what she wanted to do. So she came up with the idea of her hiding in a closet, me finding her and then spanking her! Haha. Those were the days!
Original Bio:
Ashton is a gorgeous girl! She is just absolutely stunning! Her breasts are some of the best I’ve EVER seen.
July 2006 Update: I just had dinner with Ashton/Aubrey and she is looking hotter than ever. She hasn’t shot in over 3 years and during that time she actually tightened up that sexy young body. She was wearing tight spandex on her ass and legs which showed off her now-perfect curves. I can tell you first-hand, she is a show stopper. Every guy in the restaurant was looking at her. If things go right, we’ll see more of Ashton/Aubrey very soon 😉
September 2006 Update: I’m Reposting Aubrey as a new model to signify her re-entry into the porn industry. These sets are amazing and show how much energy and charisma this girl has. She’s been booking shoots like crazy, so lots more coming!